Real Aesthetics

Real AestheticsReal Aesthetics
  1. The second one is to break through the limitation centered on traditional aesthetics and develop the universality of real life environmental aesthetics .


  2. Aesthetic feeling and art in teaching , The theory of the geist teaching is a thought and a kind of practice on the real teaching with aesthetics and teaching and the method of using it .


  3. The modern enlightenment aesthetics was the real origin of the aesthetics in China in the 20th century .


  4. The real connotation of ecological aesthetics is to " appreciate beauty ecologically " .


  5. The dynamic analysis to author 's discourse and others ' discourse relation is the real beginning of new aesthetics of Bakhtin 's .


  6. The pursuit of illusion and loneliness in the works and the sentiment , desolation , lamentation and solitary through the works from beginning to end , all are the author 's real reflections of his aesthetics of sorrowfulness and beautifulness in traditional literature .
